The Spell, details

SciFi 3D | SciFi 2D | Matte Painting | Fantasy | Earth | Mystic | tattooed Bodies | Animals | Creatures | Dirty Sex & Crime | Nebular
Unknown Spaceship (The Spell)
detail view
I've a lot of fantasy and ideas, but i don't know how to name this spaceship.
Because it's not a ship by humans it can't get a human name, but if humans see it anywhere in the far space they may call it "The Spell"!

Stefan Beckhusen (c) 2010 AC Erdzeit, Planet: Erde

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Weitere Illustrationen zur Serie:

Die Kleriker 01 / Sternenschiff Prototyp 01f / Hidden Cities on Neptune / concept art STATION 01 / Friedhof der Kleriker / Geo-Kleriker /The Wind / The Spell


 Home ..... Kontakt

Actual track in
 my audioblog:

"The Endless dream"


Beyond the Lines

Ambient electronica synthesizer space music