Wallpaper "X - WHEEL of FORTUNE"   |  1440 x 1080  |  Zurück / Back
Wallpaper X - FORTUNE WHEEL Wallpaper X - FORTUNE WHEEL, the Fool Wallpaper X - FORTUNE WHEEL, Fool and Fate Wallpaper X - FORTUNE WHEEL, Fool and Death 

With this images we make a journey to the mythology and symbolicism of TAROT. The WHEEL OF FORTUNE is a traditional Tarot Card with the number 10 in the Tarotcards own mathematical system. 10 is the final destination of the 1. The Fool, the one and only, started his way and has passed a full circle of possibilities to find his own destination and place in the life at the 10th position.
For a better understanding of this metaphysical ideology please don't look at the 10 as number, try to understand it as 1 point and a full circle. That's complete and perfect, not in our (the Fool's) mind, but in the view of the soul's living fate.
Look at your hands and your feet: You have 10 Fingers and also 10 .... at your feet. More about this we know 10 laws of the bible, and so on....
You find the same numerical system in the astrology. In the 10th astrological house you find your destination in this life. Oh yes, i know, there are 12 of them, but remember that 11 is more than enough in every way. In the astrological system in the 11th house you leave your home and destination to die in the 12th house. In the numerical system of Tarot your life at the 11th position will become an excess like a big party, in the 12th position you have to pay for this excess and you must die in the 13th position (Friday ? ;-)

I'm sorry that i cannot explain these things better in your language, my language is german !

In the picture WHEEL OF FORTUNE i use these esoteric traditional meanings very free and not absolutely true to their traditional meaning. Here you see a personally feeling of mine in the last days (eeeyyyhh, - it's time for me to get on a better trip!)
In the past i spend several years to create a complete traditional TAROT Deck in Airbrush-Technic. If you are interested in this and have no problems with the german language take a look to www.Traumzeit-Tarot.de !