Cana'an is a biomorphic world far away of our known universes and solar systems. If you would be able to visit this strange planet by day and by night (both last around 76 hours of our understanding time) you wouldn' believe to be at the same planet. For the first view there are mainly two different lifeforms which share this world as their habitat. One by light, one in the darkness. The time which we would call the day is a dry hell. A thick poisened gaseous air and a radioactive heat around 236 degrees makes it absolutely impossible for any human-like lifeforms to be anywhere outside in this world at this time. But the real danger are the lifeforms for which i have no name, anything between dragons, birds and pisces, which are very active at this time. These ones have no problem with the heat, they are carnivores and they eat also every living substances in this evident poor world. Cause they are able to spit an acid fluid, they are also very dangerous for shuttle traffic, but really they are important to protect this world against any other lifeforms from outer space. They make also a good job by eating all bacteries and mycosis which could be dangerous for the old gnarly alientrees.

The 2nd mainly lifeform has their active period at that time, which we would call the night. This human-like intelligent lifeform with a high technical standard rules the fate of this planet in the darkness while the air is more fresh and the temperature is around 21 degrees. This lifeform has a high standard of culture and a long time experience in astronautic. They live inside the old gnarly alientrees which are really the most unexpected biological forms.
By day the alientrees look like dry dead wood. The cellular surface of these trees is closed to protect them against the rough outside conditions. Only by night the cellular surface becomes wide and open so that the surface by itself offers his intensive life. We also know a lifeform nearly like this in our reefs and call it corals, but these old alientrees are much more older than our corals and so the living substance has become an own form of intelligence. In this way it has become a symbiosis of nature and technology, spend its own light and cleaning atmosphere for the human-like lifeforms, which lives also in symbiosis with the trees by spending their excrements as living fluid. These ones the alientrees transform to water, air and fluorescence light.


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