"All of this product's content was created by STEFAN BECKHUSEN | POSTF. 1314 | 38003 BRAUNSCHWEIG | GERMANY | www.CORPORATEARTS.de | (c) 2006 | EMAIL: product @ corporatearts.de | fon: +49 177 2428149" .......................................................................................................................... By any questions please mail to: info @ CorporateArts.de I would enjoy seeing product-renders by you. If you want you can inform me by mail, maybe i can link to these. CU, Stefan Beckhusen! www.CorporateArts.de www.3rdArt.de .............................................................................. LICENSE FOR ITEMS FROM "CORPORATEARTS.DE" This license applies to items by CORPORATEARTS.DE. It is the Buyers (or those downloading a CORPORATEARTS.DE official freebie from CORPORATEARTS.DE) responsibility to read and understand this license. If you are unsure about anything, please send an email to info @ CorporateArts.de. The Artist (Author) retains all copyrights to the enclosed materials. The Buyer is not purchasing the contents, only the right to use the contents. The Buyer may not redistribute this archive file, in whole or in part. The Buyer may not store it any place on a network or on the Internet where it may be referenced by a third party. Buyer acquires the copyright to any derivative works created using this work, provided none of the original materials can be extracted from the derivative work by any means. If Artist can show that any of the original material can be extracted from Buyer's derivative work, Artist can demand both the original and derivative work, and all copies thereof be deleted. For example, Buyer cannot make an image of a texture map mapped to a flat plane, such that the original texture map can be cut & pasted from the image. This is designed to protect the Artist from Buyers releasing work, which lets other users obtain the copyrighted material, and is not meant to infringe upon the artistic endeavors of the Buyer. Buyer may not make any MetaStream animation files with the enclosed materials, until this format can protect the original materials from being extracted. Items by CORPORATEARTS.DE may not be used for illegal purposes. To protect the Buyer: Buyer is hereby granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use all of the contents of the encapsulating archive file. Artist maintains that all items in the archive are their original work, or are derivative works from something found, and verified, to be in the public domain. Artist maintains they legally possess the power to grant the Buyer this license for all enclosed materials. Buyer may use the materials in any personal projects or commercial projects, as long as the Artist 's work is protected from extraction and none of the items above have been violated. Buyer may make a single backup copy of this archive file, for personal archival purposes only. Buyer retains this license, even if the Artist stops selling this work at a later date, or decides to charge a different price. The Artist may only revoke this license, if it is shown that a Buyer has previously violated the terms and conditions above. In the case of 'Freebies' (officially sanctioned CORPORATEARTS.DE free downloads) you have the right to use them in commercial (for profit) work, but not redistribute the original files, altered or not without permission; except in the case of 3rd party copy right holders (as in Jabba the Hutt, Yoda, The Violator, Spawn, etc......) then they may be for personal use only. CORPORATEARTS.DE will not be held responsible for those abusing copyright/trademarked characters for commercial gain/profit.